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Have you ever taken a DISC assessment?

July 19, 2011

Ever take a DISC assessment, and wonder what the letters really mean?  A friend of mine just sent me this, and it’s so good, I just have to share:

D-Dominant:  This person is the Lion; a hard charging people eating leader. 

I-Influencing:  This person is the Otter; a fun-loving, playful, people pleaser.

S-Stable:  This person is the Golden Retriever; loyal, amiable, stable easy-going type that enjoys a slow pace.

C-Compliant:  The person is the Beaver; a focused, detail oriented structural engineer that loves procedures, and well-defined processes.

Oh, by the way, I’m a strong Dominant/Influencing type personality, just in case you were wondering.  😉

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